Change Your Mind


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We have something to distract you from the bad news, something to sooth your soul and snap your fingers to. Jakspin left his hip hop comfort zone and explored the downtempo realm in house music in "Change Your Mind".

He captured that slow motion moment when two people are in the midst of falling in love, while unsure if they really want to be in

We have something to distract you from the bad news, something to sooth your soul and snap your fingers to. Jakspin left his hip hop comfort zone and explored the downtempo realm in house music in "Change Your Mind".

He captured that slow motion moment when two people are in the midst of falling in love, while unsure if they really want to be in love. You're full of turmoil, love and doubt. You wanna dance & cry. He is currently shooting a music video which will be out very soon, so stay tuned and stream in the meantime.

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